push notification server
push notification server


使用Push Notifications App 測試推播發送. 在iOS App 開發推播功能時

PushNotifications可以發送推播給iOS&Android,讓我們拋開Android,只專注在iOS吧。當我們想發送推播時,必須通知APNsserver。為了安全性的考量, ...

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Setting up a remote notification server

Use remote notifications (also known as push notifications) to push small amounts of data to devices that use your app, even when your app isn't running.

Send notifications with the Expo Push Service

By default, you can send a notification to your users by sending their Expo Push Token and any text or additional data needed for the message.


A push notification micro server using Gin framework written in Go (Golang) and see the demo app. Run Lint and Testing GoDoc                  


A self-hosted push notification service. Gotify has 15 repositories ... An app for creating push notifications for new messages posted to gotify/server. Server · Issues · gotify/server · Gotify/android · Gotify/cli

Day28-Push Notification伺服器推播訊息實作

接著 webpush.setVapidDetails() 用來設定推播前的資格驗證,第一個可以放 URL 或是 Mail 用途是當 Push Server 如果要回傳一些資訊時,他們會直接傳到上面的E-mail。

使用Push Notifications App 測試推播發送. 在iOS App 開發推播功能時

Push Notifications 可以發送推播給iOS & Android,讓我們拋開Android,只專注在iOS 吧。 當我們想發送推播時,必須通知APNs server。為了安全性的考量, ...

使用Firebase 快速建立網頁推播服務Web Push Notifications Service

讓Server 可主動推送Push Message 給Client 的服務 · 快速,使用者只開啟網頁就能授權 · 可以放到瀏覽器背景執行,讓使用者開著電腦就即時收到推播訊息 · 推播 ...

create my own push notification service without fcm , pusher

I want to create a notification system provider that is not based on Google services or similar. In fact, I want to get information about its overall ...

Service for Push Notifications from Server : rselfhosted

I would like to have the server send messages to a dedicated messaging app via HTTP requests which can in turn send me push notifications instead.

What is a Push Notification?

A push notification (also known as a server push notification) is the delivery of information to a computing device from an application server. Reach Users with Push... · How are Push Notifications...


Useremotenotifications(alsoknownaspushnotifications)topushsmallamountsofdatatodevicesthatuseyourapp,evenwhenyourappisn'trunning.,Bydefault,youcansendanotificationtoyourusersbysendingtheirExpoPushTokenandanytextoradditionaldataneededforthemessage.,ApushnotificationmicroserverusingGinframeworkwritteninGo(Golang)andseethedemoapp.RunLintandTestingGoDoc         ,Aself-hostedpushnotificationservice....